Author: fredoport | 10 September 2009 | Views: 3321
Love movies? Have a growing wish list in addition to a respectable collection? Having trouble navigating through the collection? Organize your movie collection with Movienizer! Maintain Movie Wish List. You've collected a variety of films and are going to expand your collection. But do you always remember which movies you already own and which ones you don't? Keep track of your wish list just as easily as you organize your own movies! Your wish list will become integral part of your growing movie collection. When you buy a disc you just tick the mark, and the item changes status from "wished" to "owned" at once!
Get Professional Recommendations Do you have a favorite actor, producer or director? Want to collect all movies by Stanley Kubrick or every disc with Scarlett Johansson? Just click on the person's name in Movienizer, and you'll see all movies with that person, be it an actor, a producer or somebody else.
Movienizer will show you what other people think of a movie and what they rate it. Browse your collection by the title, by actors, producers or any custom criteria!
Track Loaners You are attached to your movie collection, but can lend a disc or two to a good friend from time to time, only to realize that your friends become as attached to your movies as you are, failing to return them in time. After a while they can even forget who the owner of the disc is. If you forget who you gave the disc to, you'll probably never be able to recover the movie except by chance!
Movienizer Is Better! Did you try movie organizers or disk catalogers made by our competitors? Hopefully you didn't pay for them, because Movienizer is not just better but completely free!
Movienizer will change your world by presenting all possible information about a movie, including colorful posters, information about people such as actors and producers - all completely automatically! Read the plot and see what the movie is about, see how other people rate it, and navigate similar movies by simply clicking a mouse.
No Web site is able to keep your personal collection and your wish list the way Movienizer does. Being a free product, Movienizer is really in a class of its own!
Never allow your movies to get lost from your collection! Let Movienizer keep track of your discs and videos by keeping record on who borrowed a movie and when. That's as simple as marking your disk as loaned, and typing in the borrower's name!