SynWrite combines great ideas from many well known editors into a single, freely available product. It's a complete environment for Web workers, coders and writers. SynWrite's many features include macro recording, code highlighting, code folding, multi-caret editing and regular expressions
You can easily extend the editor with plugins written in the Python scripting language. You can easily configure it to your needs and even take it with you on a USB flash drive.
Fully customizable syntax highlighting for many languages. Code folding Supports almost all encoding systems (ASCII, Unicode, etc.) Multiple-caret editing Multiple selections
Panels: Tree view for source code File manager Project management FTP/SFTP client Document mini-map Clipboard history External tools output Search results Text clips Tabs list Coding helpers: Auto-completion (for few lexers, see help topic) Auto-closing of tags/brackets Code templates SmartTagTabbing feature SyncEditing feature to edit identical identifiers Emmet (Zen Coding) support (HTML + CSS + XSL high speed coding engine) Color preview Color picker Image preview Insert image tags Insert date/time stamps Portable bookmarks Column markers Micro-map