Author: fredoport | 13 December 2011 | Views: 6764
The Photo Scissors Pilot program allows you to remove objects from a photo and to change the space between them. Removing an object from a landscape. Removing someone from a photo. Cut out the middle of the image, if you need to reduce the size of the image and to save the main objects. Photo Scissors Pilot can be used as a plug-in in Adobe Photoshop or another compatible program.
What You Can Do with Photo Scissors Pilot: 1. Remove Objects Marker for selection of " unnecessary " and "main" objects Selection of direction in the removing area (vertical / horizontal) Possibility of restoring the original size of the image after removal of the object 2. Change the spacing between main objects (with changing the size of the image) Marker for selection of the remaining objects Possibility of saving the "main" objects without changing 3. Remove small, unnecessary objects with the Smart Patch tool Copy a "smart patch" from one part of an image to another Adjust the color of the copied and pasted object 4. Crop images