Vector Magic Desktop Edition 1.15 portable - Convert bitmap images like JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs to the crisp, clean, scalable vector art of EPS, SVG, and PDF with the world's best auto-tracing software. Use the convenient service online by uploading your image below, or start tracing images offline with the Desktop Edition.
Accuracy Above are a few comparisons between the results produced by Vector Magic, Adobe Live Trace (CS2) and Corel PowerTRACE (X3). Note how well Vector Magic recovers both the shapes and the colors of the bitmap original.
Ease of Use If you've used other tracing tools, you have probably noticed that they have tons of confusing options and settings, and require you to more or less randomly try different combinations of these in the frustrating search for a passable result. With Vector Magic on the other hand, all you need to do is answer a couple of simple questions and that's it. In case you're not satisfied with the result, there is even a troubleshooting guide to help you resolve the problem - again phrased as simple questions, not confusing options with unclear effects.
Speed While Vector Magic may take a little longer to process any one individual image, this is more than made up for by not having to process the image over and over again trying to get a reasonable result. Vector Magic makes the computer do the tedious aspects so that you can focus on the actual artwork, rather than the conversion process itself.
Information: Name: Vector Magic Desktop Edition portable Version: 1.15 Released: 2010 Developer: Platform: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/Seven Language: Eng Size: 12.9 MB A recovery: 3% Registration: not required Password: not