Author: fredoport| Published 16 August 2024 | Views: 7169
Delete unwanted e-mails before you download to your computer. You’ll be able to see who the email is from, the subject, and the attachment. This will enable you to decide if you want to delete the email or keep it. A great way to stop viruses, large attachments or to just delete unnecessary emails from getting to your computer. Easily preview the message in your email to see what the sender has to say before downloading it to your computer. This ensures you won't download any nasty emails to your computer. Additionally, spam is marked in a red color, and your good email is marked as a green color for quick analysis.
Author: fredoport| Published 5 August 2024 | Views: 8567
High-level system of e-communication messages processing with intuitive interface and strong privacy protection. The Bat! mail client has a lot of vital benefits and useful features that make your email experience simple and convenient. All these features perfectly fit any Windows OS. Moreover, The Bat! is the first and only email client Certified for Windows by Microsoft Corporation. The Bat!’s characteristic feature is the most widespread support of authentication protocols and of encryption while working with mail servers. The Bat! is one of the most protected mail clients, it is adopted by many companies for which privacy protection is a matter of life and death. The most recent versions of The Bat! have smart security buttons for each message that help in making users’ information really private.
Author: fredoport| Published 3 August 2024 | Views: 15527
Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and BitComet) and peer exchange. µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all.
Author: fredoport| Published 19 July 2024 | Views: 11051
A browser that is fast, but also a browser that is rich in functionality, highly flexible and puts the user first. All of your favourite sites easily accessible from one place. You can also create multiple Speed dial groups. Organize your sites based on interests such as Sports, News and Tech, or different context such as Work, School etc. It’s also possible to add a folder as a Speed dial entry.
Author: fredoport| Published 28 June 2024 | Views: 10668
Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. Tor prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits. Tor Browser contains everything you need to safely browse the Internet.
Author: fredoport| Published 21 June 2024 | Views: 7055
Wireshark is the world's most popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development, and education. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the contributions of networking experts across the globe. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998. Deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, with more being added all the time. Live capture and offline analysis. Standard three-pane packet browser.
Author: fredoport| Published 14 June 2024 | Views: 11274
Tool to download videos from YouTube and save it to your local computer. The videos can be converted to avi video format or to mp4 (compatible with iPod, iPhone). The main distinguishing feature of Youtube Downloader HD is that now you can download High Quality videos and High Definition videos from YouTube.
Author: fredoport| Published 14 June 2024 | Views: 8569
BitComet is a p2p file-sharing freeware fully compatible with Bittorrent, which is one of the most popular p2p protocol designed for high-speed distribution of 100MB or GB sized files. BitComet is a powerful, clean, fast, and easy-to-use bittorrent client. It supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, chatting, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy, ip-filter, etc. Supports 43 Languages.
Author: admin| Published 12 June 2024 | Views: 967
Psiphon is a free software developed by Psiphon Inc. for Windows operating system, designed to bypass internet censorship and provide secure and anonymous access to online content. The main purpose of the program is to ensure unrestricted access to information in regions where internet users' rights and freedoms are limited. Psiphon offers several key features that make it an effective tool for circumventing censorship and ensuring secure internet connectivity. One of its main characteristics is the ability to create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt user internet traffic. This protects data from unauthorized access and maintains anonymity online.
Author: fredoport| Published 7 June 2024 | Views: 24571
We all love something for nothing. With Skype’s software – by the way, it works seamlessly with your internet connection – you can chat away with free Skype-to-Skype calls and never worry about cost, time or distance. Share the love and get your friends to download Skype so you can talk, chat or make video calls for nothing. You can also make local, long distance and international calls to phones and mobiles at great rates too. Better than a phone? Yep, you betcha! Skype isn’t just about free Skype-to-Skype calls and nice, cheap local, national and international calls to phones and mobiles. You can also do much, much more.
Author: fredoport| Published 1 April 2024 | Views: 8560
Web-browser, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing made simple - all your Internet needs in one application. The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite (see below). Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers and corporate users.
Author: fredoport| Published 15 March 2024 | Views: 15904
The one-step solution for remote access. TeamViewer is the fast, simple and friendly solution for remote access over the Internet - all applications in one single, very affordable module. Remote control of computers over the Internet. Instantly take control over a computer anywhere on the Internet, even through firewalls. No installation required, just use it fast and secure. Training, sales and teamwork. TeamViewer can also be used to present your desktop to a partner on the Internet. Show and share your software, PowerPoint presentations etc. File transfer, chat and more. Share your files, chat, switch the direction during a teamwork session, and a lot more is included in TeamViewer.
Author: fredoport| Published 23 February 2024 | Views: 33831
Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows. Addons: AdBlock Plus, NoScript, Video Download Helper, FlagFox, HTTPS Everywhere, Bulk Media Downloader.
Author: fredoport| Published 23 February 2024 | Views: 8054
MetaProducts Offline Explorer is a offline browser that allows you to download an unlimited number of your favorite Web and FTP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. Using Offline Explorer Enterprise, you can download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, FTP, HTTPS, MMS, PNM and RTSP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. Offline Explorer also has many web development features that allow you to easily edit, view, browse or search downloaded Web pages (Offline Explorer has a built-in internal browser.) One of its strengths is to allow you to select (include or exclude) individual servers, directories and files using keywords.